Crowns can be every bit as beautiful as the most perfectly placed laminate.. Today porcelain margins  forgo the need for metal where it shows. adhesive cements have greatly improved and the new porcelains have added strength. Crowns provide structure support when there is not a strong enough tooth to place a filling.



Root Canal therapy is still the standard way in which we keep a tooth when the nerve has begun to die.The future of dentistry will no doubt find genetics the key to restoring that vital tissue we call the Pulp


If there are missing teeth that need replacement, Bridges can offer taking care of both the missing space and the teeth on either side of that space. Sometimes it offers the best alternative esthetically and  provide the fastest way to leave the office with replacements for that space. 

Implants :


Implants can restore missing teeth without the need to involve other teeth.


Replacement of teeth with support from implants is dependent on the amount of supporting bone. Fortunately today we have  a multitude of procedures we can offer to help build and rescaffold bone, in areas of poor boney supportReplacement of teeth with support from implants is dependent on the amount of supporting bone.

The use of Bone graft, and membranes is a safe and effective way  of building back what was lost.

Implants are place in our office  and the procedure is done with local anesthetic. Nitrous Analgesia or Laughing Gas is available.  There is generally little if any post operative pain or swelling.

There is often a waiting period of months before the tooth can be built on top of the implant. Given the right circumstance same day implants can be placed at the time of extraction.  This is determined by the individuality of the case presented.

We offer a variety of appliances including the essix appliance and bonded temporaries to patients who just cant be without a replacement but dont want the bridge option. 

More than ever before insurance companies are accepting implants  as an alternative.  We will help in attaining that information at your behest.

Bone Grafts, and rebuilding support for your teeth.

Bone grafting  procedures are  predictable procedures for rebuilding the support one might need to place implants. We cant just build a wall of bone like a mason builds a brick wall. ( Not yet at least.) But we can often add enough to provide a strong anchor for implants in many cases.