
The best care and due diligence doesn't mean that we wont have  emergencies

We use and challenge our mouths everyday.

Some of us all day, but we are all vulnerable to unexpected dental issues.

Dr. goldenthal has generous office hours and is able to accomodate busy working schedules.  We make great efforts to be as considerate of our patients time as they are of ours.

Even though emergencies and accidents dont always occur when we are around, Dr. Goldenthal provides 24 hour availability on the phone to advise and if necessary prescribe or begin treatment to alleviate discomfort.


Whether its a chip on that front tooth right before your acceptance speech,

or a dull throbbing ache that forces you to watch reruns of Lassie

Dr. Goldenthal strives to  relieve and find a simple solution to the problem.

"The human condition puts us all in a vulnerable position,. I am thankful that I can be a part of healing and better health. So that people don't succumb to their frailties. "